Ferment your way to a happy gut, curb your sugar cravings, and lose weight

Easy Milk Kefir Recipe
Prep: 5 minutes Difficulty level: Easy
+ 12-48 hours for fermentation, depending on room temperature to achieve a thick yogurt-like, liquid consistency
You will need:
Kefir grains as the starter (1 tsp to 5 T depending on how fast you want the fermentation to occur and how much you are making)
Pasteurized or raw full fat milk (not ultra-pasteurized) from cow, sheep, goat or water buffalo. Fresh works best.
Tools Avoid using metal. Kefir is a living organism and does not like metal. It can change taste and should be avoided whenever possible. If a metal strainer is all you have, go for it. Any kefir is better than no kefir:)
- Glass jar to hold kefir while it ferments (various sizes depending on amount making) I prefer glass so that I can see how far the fermentation has gone.
- A second glass jar or vessel with large lid to hold finished kefir. You will store this in frig
- Coffee filter
- Rubber band
- Strainer or sieve
- Large bowl to strain kefir into before storing in other vessel in frig
- Rubber spatula, wooden spoon or some other non-metal stirring utensil.
- Add kefir grains to jar. About 1 tsp to a liter/ 1-2 tbsp to a gallon. This amount need not be exact as more grains will ferment the milk faster and less grains will take longer.
- Pour milk on top of kefir, leaving at least a few cm or an inch at the top of the bottle. When it ferments and thickens, it grows slightly. This space prevents it from touching the coffee filter.
- Cover with coffee filter and secure with rubber band to prevent bugs/dust particles etc.
- Allow to ferment for 18-48 hours in a warm place until you have reached a thick yogurt like consistency or smells like yogurt. The time depends on temperature and humidity. Warmer temps will shorten the fermentation time. You can stop it at any time once it starts to thicken. If it separates, this is a definite indication it is done and you can easily stir together. Kefir is very forgiving! Treat it with love.
- Strain kefir grains. Use a spoon to press kefir through sieve leaving grains behind to use for next batch.
- Store finished kefir in jar or vessel in frig and use as desired. Kefir will continue to slowly ferment in frig, so strength of taste will increase the longer you have it. Lasts for at least 2 weeks, depending on your taste preference.
To make new batch
- Wash jar and add strained grains to jar.
- Add new milk. Repeat fermentation process.
Grains will multiply over time. You can share these with friends, eat them or put them in the freezer to use at a later date. Kefir can also be stored in a small amount of milk in frig for longer periods of time.You may have to rinse them in milk once or twice or allow them to sit covered in milk for a few hours to get them to rehydrate after freezing or storing in frig. You can ferment them in cream (using the same method) to make an even thicker, higher fat yogurt to eat or to use as a body lotion. You can spread the kefir on your body before baths to have the most luxurious soft skin and glow. It can be used inside and out! It is safe to feed to cats and dogs.
As I said, making Kefir is very forgiving. However, if you over-ferment to the point that it tastes like alcohol (I don't mind this), you can use it in baths. Never throw out the Kefir grains. They can almost always be rinsed with milk and saved, but I rarely have needed this step.
The possibilities of Kefir in recipes is endless. You can puree it with any ingredients you would with yogurt such as fruit to make it a smoothie. You can add honey, spices, or granola. You can put it in salad dressings and add to recipes in place of yogurt or milk. The possibilities are endless as are the health benefits.
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